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SAP Localization - Hellenization

Hellenization is the Greek Localization for SAP ERP. It deals with Greece, that is treated by SAP as all other countries, by implementing a well documented Greek Model Company GR01. The Greek Model Company possesses attributes concerning special characteristics of Greece such as language EL, currency EUR, Greek Uniform Chart of Accounts CAGR, Fiscal Year 13 periods (K1) and so on that also meet customer independent legal and business requirements.

Hellenization is an on going process rather than a project, since it is related to managing a changing environment in terms of:

  • SAP ERP new versions and releases

  • New technology and new legislation.

Greece is a member of the European Union and follows most of the prevailing EU directives (e.g.Intrastat , VAT etc.). There is legislation related to Books and Records Code regulations (KBS) as far as business software is concerned (article 23), which involves the following:

  • Mandatory tree structure of chart of accounts with specific rules per group of accounts (predefined both codes and descriptions in Greek language).

  • User manual in Greek language providing at least regulations of article 23.

  • General ledger and materials management rules in terms of ’15 - 45’ and 10 days check of postings. Sequential numbering of entries (documents) on the Journal. No interpolations are permitted.

  • Reporting is provided in Greek Language and EUR currency. It consists of Journals, Trial Balances, Ledgers, Warehouse Book, Assets Register etc, with descriptive but not a fully defined layout. Some reports mentioned above are official and have to be printed on stamped or perforated authorized papers, providing report and page totals.

  • Journals, Ledgers, Warehouse Book and Asset Register are referring to original documents via

    • a) Reference Document Number that is posted to field BKPF-XBLNR and

    • b) Posting Date that is posted to field BKPF-BUDAT.

      These fields are mandatory for issuing the above reports based on the requirements of legislation and also help customers finding out the respective original document which is filed in a physical folder.

  • Electronic submission of MYF and the year end Trial Balance before making adjustment postings for issuing the Balance Sheet are lodged to Tax Offices.

  • Several reports and especially the Warehouse and the G/L Trial Balance have to be kept in magnetic media as CD’S and must be presented in a possible Tax Audit.

  • There are specific check digits regarding Tax Codes (AFM) which cross check for both double and incorrect entries. Also for posting keys and account groups of domestic customers / vendors.

Hellenization includes the calculation procedure ‘TAXGR’ where taxes - related to incoming and outgoing invoices - such as VAT, Withholding and EC acquisition have been defined. In addition, it uses payment methods based on a) Checks including Post Dated Checks, provided with check digit in bank lot numbers and b) Bank Transfer.

It follows purchasing accounting logic for MM transactions since Greek companies are obliged to maintain purchase account in COA.

Finally, it issues printed forms copied many times for documents accompanying transported goods (using impact printers) and filing of originals. According to new legislation this has changed and there will be electronic filing of such documents together with the introduction of ‘ Digital Signature’ for the printed documents.

The most important Logistics Issues that Greek business legislation and approach is significantly different from all other countries are the following:

  • Analytical Ledger

  • Periodic Valuation and Costing

  • Production Book and,

  • Warehouse Book

Logistics modules affected by Hellenization are mainly the following:

  • Materials Management MM

  • Sales and Distribution SD

  • Production Planning PP





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Ιερού Λόχου 19 // Μεταμόρφωση Αττικής , 14452 



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